
Surrogate Spotlight: Meet ConceiveAbilities Surrogate Amanda Hazelton


Be a surrogate


ConceiveAbilities Surrogate, Amanda Hazelton on why she became a surrogate in Minnesota


I am a full-time working mom and have a love for DIY projects. Originally from Upstate New York, I moved to Maui, Hawaii where I met my husband, Nick. Eventually we settled in Minnesota, where Nick was born and raised, with our only son, Jack.


My surrogate journey started right after I had Jack. After his birth, my love for him was overwhelming and I felt every person wanting children should get to feel this! I heard about surrogacy on a podcast I was listening to, and decided to look into it - I was hooked! I applied and was surprised about how fast things moved along. Becoming a surrogate felt like a purpose and destiny for me. I knew it was the right time because our son was young and we didn't plan on having any more children of our own.


My husband was so supportive of my dreams. My friends were also there for me and thought it was a selfless gift I was giving to someone. At first, my family was concerned and didn't understand, until I explained it wasn't genetically my baby - Then they were on board and supported me 100 percent! My advice to someone wanting to be a surrogate is to be patient and let things happen as they should. My first journey took 3 years due to failed transfers and waiting for the parents to make new embryos. It all worked out in the end, but it did take patience.

ConceiveAbilities Surrogate, Amanda shares how becoming a surrogate changed her life.


Becoming a surrogate changed my life because it has made me realize how important family is and how far kindness can go. Not everyone can be a surrogate, which is why I feel like the lucky one!

Inspired by Amanda? Calling All Surrogates

Are you a woman who enjoyed a healthy and successful pregnancy? Do you have friends or family who have suffered from infertility or need assistance from someone else to build their family? Have you ever considered the role you could play in helping someone else build their family - as a surrogate? Learn more about the process of helping someone else's dream of building a family come true. We would love to talk with you.

Be a surrogate