Surrogate Spotlight: Meet ConceiveAbilities Surrogate Christina Chilcote


Be a surrogate


ConceiveAbilities Surrogate, Amanda Hazelton on why she became a surrogate in Minnesota


My name is Christina, and I’m a 29 year old surrogate. I grew up in the Pacific Northwest, where I met
my husband in high school. After high school my husband joined the Air Force and I followed him to
California. There we had our amazing son, Isaac, who is 8 years old and our wonderfully sweet
daughter, Harper, who is almost 6. We are growing our roots here in Colorado and loving it. As a
family we enjoy hiking the mountains and playing board games. My personal hobbies include cooking,
baking, and creating art.

ConceiveAbilities Surrogate, Christina on becoming a surrogate in Colorado


Becoming a gestational surrogate wasn’t a decision I took lightly; it was the culmination of a deep
desire to help others experience the joy of parenthood. My journey into surrogacy began with a simple
thought: What if I could be the one to make someone’s dream of having a child come true? Read more about Christina’s decision to become a surrogate not only once, but twice!


In a world that often seems divided, my journey as a gestational surrogate has taught me that the
greatest gift we can give one another is the gift of love and compassion. It’s about reaching out to help
those in need, even if they are strangers, and uniting in the beautiful journey of creating families.

ConceiveAbilities Surrogate, Christina shares how becoming a surrogate changed her life.


The birth of my two children were single handedly the best days of my life. Both of my children’s
pregnancies were very much planned for and wanted and watching them grow and become their own
people is such a rewarding experience. The idea that a friend or family member may go without the
amazing, humbling experience of parenthood when they deeply desired it was heartbreaking. How
could I not step up to help them if I was able? One day while I was browsing the internet an ad for
Conceiveabilities popped up and I quickly discovered that this selfless act extended beyond our
immediate circles. I realized that I could help complete strangers on their path to parenthood, and this
revelation was truly life-changing. If I would help a friend, why was a stranger any different?

Inspired by Christina? Calling All Surrogates

Are you a woman who enjoyed a healthy and successful pregnancy? Do you have friends or family who have suffered from infertility or need assistance from someone else to build their family? Have you ever considered the role you could play in helping someone else build their family – as a surrogate? Learn more about the process of helping someone else’s dream of building a family come true. We would love to talk with you.

Be a surrogate