6 Qualities But Not Requirements of a Gestational Carrier


Be a surrogate

If you’re thinking of becoming a gestational carrier, you’re already a special human! To consider helping an individual or couple build their family through surrogacy is both compassionate and generous. Even if you’re being paid to be a surrogate you’re taking on not just a physical commitment, but one that will involve a significant part of your life, all to assist someone in finally realizing their dream of parenthood.

Anyone who has done research around surrogacy knows that there are requirements you’ll need to meet. However, below we share just a few of the qualities that go beyond age, BMI and other important factors to ensure a positive, healthy surrogacy process for all!

You have a support system for your surrogacy journey

You are surrounded by equally as compassionate and understanding friends, family, spouse, partner, work colleagues and even other “surrogacy sisters” who can be a support system. They can perhaps, drive you to appointments (if you need it), pitch in around the house, join you when you want or/need a pedicure or simply let you vent if you’re having some of the aches and pains that can happen during a pregnancy.

You enjoy being pregnant

There are women who say they never feel better than when they are pregnant. Their skin looks great, they have more energy, their hair is thicker and shinier, etc. If you are one of these lucky women, you might want to consider being a surrogate for someone who is unable to carry their own child.

You are open-minded

As we all know, people have strong opinions about surrogacy. Whether it’s someone’s personal beliefs, religion, sexual orientation or marital status concern, everyone has their own ethics to live by. However, when you’re considering gestational surrogacy, you respect everyone’s opinions and principles, but you have an open-mind to different lifestyles and support their right to have a family.

You are empathetic

While you may or may not understand the struggle of infertility or the many emotions one may have about not being able to carry their own child, you can appreciate and empathize with the desire to be a parent. Perhaps it’s the love you have for your own children that motivates you to recognize that others may want to experience that same kind of love and bond.

You are healthy and take care of yourself

You are being asked to carry one of the most precious gifts ever. For intended parents, the health of their future child and the woman carrying their baby are paramount. If you’re the kind of person who is reliable, attends appointments on time, takes the necessary precautions and is an overall responsible person, intended parents can breathe a little easier knowing they can rely on you to take care of yourself and their child.

You are dependable and conscientious

Taking care of yourself and your health is, of course, vital. But also, being organized enough to know what doctor appointment is when, how to fill out paperwork and to provide whatever else is needed for the process is essential. While no one can control EVERY pregnancy, reducing the unexpected and staying organized can help everyone’s stress level (including yours).

When you begin the matching process to find an Intended Parent to work with, these qualities will absolutely come in handy. However, it’s important to note that there are many other factors that go into matching intended parents with gestational carriers. Therefore, ConceiveAbilities works tirelessly to take into account everyone’s personal preferences and comfort level while ensuring seamless communication between everyone. Matching Matters helps our goal to help create what may be the most rewarding experience of your lives.

To learn more about how ConceiveAbilities can provide guidance, please feel free to connect with our expert staff!

By Jennifer “Jay” Palumbo