My Surrogate Birth Story: How Surrogacy Changed My Life


Be a surrogate

By Ashtin Gurevitz, a Two-Time Surrogate and ConceiveAbilities Surrogate Intake Manager

Surrogacy has always been my calling. I knew I wanted to help someone have a family since I can remember. When I started dating my husband, who is also my high school sweetheart, I let him know becoming a surrogate was part of my plan. After completing our own beautiful family of three children, we decided the time was right. I knew my gift of surrogacy would change someone’s life, but I never dreamed it would change my life like it has.

Matching with My Intended Parents

Two-time surrogate, Ashtin Gurevitz and her intended parents, Brian and Scott, were the right match for their surrogacy journey

Matching was the most important thing for me and my family. Matching with Brian and Scott, a loving gay couple from New York, was a dream come true. I always knew I wanted to work with a same-sex couple, and our connection was instant. I still get emotional about our first meeting.

Throughout the pregnancy, Brian and Scott were amazing intended parents. We communicated regularly, and they visited us during important milestones. Their involvement made the journey feel like a shared experience, strengthening our bond that will last a lifetime.

The Birth

Ashtin shares how impactful the moment she gave birth to her surrobabe and how incredible it was to witness her intended dads meet their son Silas for the first time.

The day of delivery is the moment every surrogate dreams of. It’s hard to even put the excitement into words. I was surrounded by my husband, Jeff, who is my biggest cheerleader, and my best friend, Hannah, a birthing photographer who was capturing every moment. My focus was on Brian and Scott, who were there to witness the arrival of their son, Silas.

When Silas was born, the emotions in the room were overwhelming. Seeing the happiness and love in Brian and Scott’s eyes was a moment I will cherish forever. I am so grateful to have these photos and video of this incredible moment.

The Sibling Journey

The journey did not end there. Soon after delivering Silas, I decided to do a sibling surrogacy journey with Brian and Scott, carrying their second child, Sloane, who completed their family.

Becoming a surrogate has been a transformational experience for me. It has taught me the power of giving. Knowing that I played a part in building a family has left an indelible mark on my heart.

Sharing Surrogacy

Now I work at ConceiveAbilities to help other women fulfill their calling of becoming a surrogate. It is a unique opportunity to create a family, forge lifelong connections, and experience the magic of childbirth in a profound way.

To anyone considering surrogacy, I encourage you to embrace the journey with an open heart and mind. There may be challenges, but the reward of witnessing a family come together is priceless. Surrogacy has changed my life in ways I could have never imagined, and I will forever be grateful for this incredible experience.

Learn more about becoming a surrogate.

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