Our Surrogates

You may be wondering who would want to become a surrogate. Knowing how to choose a surrogate mother can be a challenge. Our surrogates make it a bit easier. These women are different. Our surrogates cannot imagine life without their families and their children. They want that for you.

MMother washing her daughter's foot in the kitchen
Two women hugging each other
Two boys playing on the grass with a sprinkler and bouncy ball
Mother holding her son eating smores in backyard gathering
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Rachelle, Repeat Surrogate; Amy, Surrogate; Surrogate Amy’s Family; Jessica, Surrogate

She is amazing. So selfless. I can’t imagine how brave she is and loving. We would not have our son if it weren’t for her. And now we have everything we have always wanted.

Committed beyond

Our surrogates are called to carry children for others. For them, it fulfills a lifelong desire. And while the financial compensation is a small motivator, the emotional compensation is beyond payment. Our licensed nurses carefully screen each applicant prior to matching so, when it’s time for your fertility center to approve your surrogate, you can be confident that your surrogacy journey is moving forward.

Your relationship, your way


Some intended parents want to develop a close relationship with their surrogate and make them an extended part of the family throughout the surrogacy process. Others want a more professional relationship with defined boundaries. Here’s the good news: we take all of these factors into account during Matching Matters®. You and your surrogate are matched so you develop the relationship you both want.