Frequently asked questions
from intended parents

From the first phone call through matching and delivery, they were so knowledgeable and kind, I knew that anything that came up, they would help us handle.
T.R., Intended Parent
General Questions and Answers
Why is it important that my agency have a global reach with a local presence?
Every intended parent is different, with different priorities and preferences that should be considered when matching. Our large network of resources means we have the ability to meet our clients’ needs, and we can do it quickly.
How does matching work?
Our proprietary Matching Matters® program brings together surrogates and intended parents with 97% accuracy on the first meeting. We examine a combination of factors for matches that make the surrogacy journey as secure and seamless as possible.
What happens if the cycle is canceled?
You will look to your fertility clinic for advice on next steps to prepare for the next cycle. It may be recommended that a different medication protocol be used. Cancelled cycles can happen for multiple reasons, but it does not mean that this will continue to happen with each cycle. Learn more about infertility treatments here.
Fresh vs. Frozen donor eggs
This is a great question that is best discussed with your doctor who can consider your individual needs. The one advantage to a frozen egg transfer is that the embryos can be genetically tested before implantation. To learn more, click here.
Surrogacy FAQs
Where do you find surrogates? Do you have surrogates local to me?
ConceiveAbilities is well-regarded for our process and investment in finding great surrogates, for good reason: We have a 97% success rate at first introduction and 95% approval rate at your clinic when your surrogate is presented. And, we identify surrogates in virtually every location throughout the United States. Read more about how we do it here.
How long does the surrogacy process take?
The surrogacy process takes between 15 to 18 months on average once you are matched, however, any individual journey could take more time, or less time. Working with a reputable surrogacy agency with experienced subject matter experts that are fully dedicated to your journey is the key to expediting the experience.
How much does surrogacy cost?
Our most popular offering, the All-In Program, costs $197,500. Read more about what it includes, along with options for how we can create a custom program for you, here.
How does parentage work?
Since our legal team has expertise in understanding every state and county-specific requirement, we will provide guidance at every step of your surrogacy journey to ensure all the paperwork is in order so that your parental rights to your baby are properly established.
Can a surrogate mother decide to keep the baby?
No. Before your embryo is transferred to your surrogate, you and your surrogate will have created and signed a Gestational Carrier Agreement which expressly gives all parental rights to you, the intended parents.
Is the surrogate mother the biological mother?
No. For compensated gestational carriers working with ConceiveAbilities, the surrogate mother is not genetically related to your baby. For more information, click here.
How much contact do intended parents have with the surrogate mother?
We encourage very frequent communication between intended parents and surrogates, from the initial stages of the relationship and during the entire surrogacy journey. During Matching Matters®, we work with you to find a surrogate who shares your expectations and, throughout your surrogacy journey, we support you both as the relationship evolves. Together, you and your surrogate will determine the amount of contact that makes sense after your baby is born.
What are the steps to become an intended parent by working with a surrogate?
Through our years of experience, we have honed the process into six specific steps that are the key process points to fulfilling your dream of building your family, in this most modern way of creating new life. Read more here.
Egg Donation FAQs
How do you find your egg donors?
More and more young women are becoming interested in egg donation. We have many more applicants than we accept. How we choose our egg donors is through a proven vetting process. In fact, we only accept less than 5% of those who apply. We help you find an egg donor that works best with you.
What screening do your donors undergo?
We complete a medical screening as well as a psychological one. Learn more.
Is this a known or unknown egg donation?
ConceiveAbilities facilities known / identified egg donation matches. Intended parents and their egg donor exchange names and determine together the type of relationship the want during the journey and thereafter.
If the egg donor is out of state, do I need to switch clinics to one near her?
The good news is no. Most egg donors do not live near the clinics and understand that travel is part of the protocol. To learn more, go here.
What happens if we don't get pregnant?
If a pregnancy has not yet been achieved, your fertility doctor will provide you with guidance that is particular to your circumstances.