Egg donor FAQ

Egg donors Rebecca and Cat looking at a phone

Questions and answers

Below is a list of frequently asked questions. It is totally normal if you have more questions than you see included on the list. Fill out the online questionnaire, and we can answer more.

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Will I always be able to have the appointment time I need?

Our egg donor age limit is between 21 and 28. We accept egg donors at 21 to protect your reproductive health. Also, our minimum age requirement ensures that, you are ready to make the commitment that becoming an egg donor requires. The maximum age is 28 to make sure the donor’s eggs are of the best quality, to give our intended parents the highest chance of conception.

How many times can you donate eggs?

You may donate up to six times.

What might prevent me from being a donor?

The leading egg donation disqualifications are being unreliable and missing appointments. Due to the time-sensitive nature of the procedures, keeping a schedule is one of the most important aspects of the egg donor program. Making and breaking appointments will automatically disqualify you.

We also look carefully at motivation, health and family medical history, emotional stability and other factors. Any one of these things or a combination of them may disqualify a donor.

Read the full requirements list

Is it painful to donate eggs?

Discomfort and pain are individual. Some donors go out to eat or shop the day of retrieval. Others need to take it easy for several days because of cramping and bloating. Usually rest will help mitigate any side effects. Ask the medical staff for any tips or supporting dealing with post-procedure discomfort.

How long does the process take?

The egg donor process can take up to 8-10 weeks at least (a donation cycle takes 3 months) from selection to egg retrieval. Some donors can wait up to a year to be selected.

What are the requirements?

Egg donors must be between 21 and 28 years old, be in good physical and mental health, be a non-smoker and drug free. Click here for the complete list of egg donor requirements.

How much do egg donors get paid?

Donor compensation through our agency generally begins at $10,000 and up, which can be dependent upon a number of considerations including location, number of previous donations and egg donor diversity. Egg donor compensation covers the time, effort, inconvenience and high level of commitment necessary to accomplish an egg donation. The program places expectations on you as an egg donor to follow through, and we feel that the compensation egg donors receive should mirror the importance placed on your commitment and generosity.

Click here to learn more about egg donor payment.

What are my costs?

The only costs you are responsible for are your current pap smear and local transportation.

Along with your egg donor compensation, the intended parents pay all the medical and travel costs. You will receive a 1099 tax form from us. Keep in mind that donor compensation is taxable income.

What medications are needed for the egg donor process?

The physician will determine what medications you will take. While ConceiveAbilities does not possess medical expertise, our experience shows that there are three medications or hormones most donors take.

For detailed information, please visit our Egg Donor Medications page

Are these medications safe?

The medications listed are commonly used for the treatment of infertility. The use of the medications for fertility treatment and egg donation is widespread throughout the United States and the world. These medications undergo rigorous testing for effectiveness and safety by the scientific community and the FDA.

For more detailed information, go to our Egg Donor Medications page.

Will I always be able to have the appointment time I need?

We and the clinic staff understand that you have other things going on. The clinic will always try to accommodate your schedule, but your appointments are time-sensitive. Some appointments need to be in the morning, for example. Being flexible is key in the egg donation process.

How does the travel arrangement work?

You will be reimbursed by the intended parents for all travel-related expenses. At the beginning of the egg donor process, you will travel for an overnight visit to see the physician for a consultation and testing. Later, when you begin medication, you can expect to travel to your destination city for a stay anywhere between 7-14 days in order to complete the process and undergo egg retrieval. You are required to bring someone to stay with you for the last trip. Airfare, hotel, and daily stipend are all reimbursed by your intended parents.

Does surrogacy or egg donation pay more?

Surrogacy compensation is far greater than egg donation, so if you are looking for more compensation than our generous egg donor program, consider becoming a surrogate.

Have you considered surrogacy?

Egg donation may seem like the best next step when you want to earn extra income while helping someone grow their family, but did you know surrogacy can actually offer you more compensation and fulfillment?