Posts tagged with Surrogacy Laws
Understanding a Surrogacy Agreement
By Fran Caruso, Esq. A surrogacy contract (also known as a Gestational Carrier Agreement or GCA) is arguably one of the most ...
There’s much to celebrate in New York! After years of fighting to end the ban of compensated surrogacy and legal reform for the surrogacy ...
As New York celebrates a new dawn, with legalization of compensated surrogacy on Monday, February 15th, read on to hear from a New York ...
Congratulations, New York State!
Everyone Is One Step Closer At ConceiveAbilities, we are simply thrilled for the many wonderful New Yorkers who are now one step closer ...
7 Reasons to Hire a Surrogacy Attorney
While surrogacy is full of complexities, signing the legal contract may feel like one of the most overwhelming moments in the process. With ...
New Jersey’s New Surrogacy Bill It’s a move that reproductive lawyers, intended parents, and everyone in between have been ...
Have you heard the fabulous news? Commercial Surrogacy is now legal in the state of Washington! We are very excited about this news and ...
UPDATE: On Gov. John Bel Edwards signed the bill into law. It takes effect August 1, 2016. Original article: A controversial ...
Surrogacy, Egg Donation, and Taxation
Taxation is one of the oldest hot-button issues to still regularly confront our society today. Each time that there is a new, potentially ...