Posts tagged with Challenges

How to Have a Successful Pregnancy After Tubal Ligation

How to Have a Successful Pregnancy After Tubal Ligation

If you’ve finished building your family, it’s common to take more permanent measures to prevent pregnancy. From having an IUD inserted ...

Miscarriage During a Surrogate Pregnancy

Miscarriage During a Surrogate Pregnancy

Did you know that approximately 10% of pregnancies end in miscarriage? Even if you have never experienced a miscarriage yourself, it’s ...

Pros and Cons of Altruistic Surrogacy

Pros and Cons of Altruistic Surrogacy

There is a great deal of selflessness that comes with the beautiful act of surrogacy. Both the intended parent(s) and the gestational ...

Psychological Aspects of Surrogacy

Psychological Aspects of Surrogacy

When considering gestational surrogacy, people often focus on the physical commitment – the medical testing and exams, undergoing IVF ...

Making the Most of Bed Rest

Making the Most of Bed Rest

Bed rest is a common and important step in many pregnancy and surrogacy journeys. If medically necessary, it can also provide the surrogate ...

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